Saturday, 9 June 2012

Life is a constant Teacher - I salute you

This came up as I was sharing about my experiences with someone. I know some things, have learnt and gathered some experience over time. Suddenly I realised that over time I had started feeling I know a lot. And this was the feeling that stopped further learning.

I remained in this mode that "I know a lot" for sometime, before life in its usual way brought me to my senses  and showed me - yes, you know a little, you still have lots to learn, understand and experience.

When life started pushing me in all the directions that I did'nt want to go - I felt uncomfortable and I was being forced to learn again and experience different and new things in my life - and this started my learning process again.

As we experience something in our life, many a time it just does not seem to make any sense at all - why is it happening, what does it mean for me, is it good or bad or useful or useless etc. Such questions are valid and everyone generally has similar thoughts. I too have them as I continue with my life journey.

But one truth is hitting me time and again - and impressing upon me. When I look back at my life, I can see clearly nothing was ever lost, there were really no mistakes - what seemed a mistake then does not seem so any longer, the journey at times was difficult, but  life carried on. I  felt overwhelmed at times, but things never reached a breaking point, never a situation where I was forced to give up.

It is becoming more and more apparent to me - life chooses to teach us the lessons we need in its own way. And until we understand life's ways, we keep doubting and this doubt actually increases our effort in learning.

Is it possible for me to learn to Trust Life and know that the best that I need to help me learn my lessons is happening? I am learning to be aware and trust life simply. And as I do this more and more in my life, things are getting easier and falling into place easily, without my having to make elaborate plans.

Another great lesson from life.

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